Species point records from 1978 NCC Uists sublittoral survey

A survey of sublittoral sites around the Uists and Harris/Lewis. [N.B. In addition in this report there are notes on the Loch Obisary survey by Mitchell et al. in 1978 - Surv. No. 200 (R0318) and the Shelagh Smith survey of the Uists in 1978 - Survey. No. 94 (R0150).] The information is in essence from two surveys, one by the NCC's CST team and one by the Underwater Conservation Programme, running in conjunction with one another. 8 areas were visited, with sites in Lochs Eynort, Skipport, Carnan, Eport, Obisary, and Roag along with those at Scolpaig and the Shiant Islands being investigated. Records currently considered sensitive have been removed from this dataset.

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Last Updated May 17, 2018, 12:37 (UTC)
Created December 15, 2015, 20:21 (UTC)
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