Model output presented in the manuscript "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections and climate feedbacks" by Dentith et al. (2018) (NERC grant NE/L002574/1)

Output from the FAMOUS General Circulation Model presented in the study by Dentith et al. (2018) "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections and climate feedbacks". The following ocean variables are included at model resolution (2.5 ° x 3.75 °): salinity, meridional overturning streamfunction, potential temperature, mixed layer depth, and barotropic streamfunction. Precipitation, evaporation and sea ice concentration data are also included at atmospheric resolution (5 ° x 7.5 °). All data has been processed into netCDF timeseries.

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Last Updated April 26, 2024, 20:16 (UTC)
Created February 26, 2020, 14:44 (UTC)