Indices of Deprivation

The Indices of Deprivation are published nationally by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). These are the official indicators of deprivation. As such, wherever they show deprivation in local areas they provide strong and credible evidence to support funding bids and target resources.

Deprivation is measured by the Indices of Deprivation on an Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), and also in specific domains and sub-domains of deprivation (for example Income, Employment, Education and Skills, etc). Two further datasets are included within this data, for Income Deprivation affecting Children (IDACI) and Older People (IDAOPI).

So as well as overall deprivation shown in the IMD, the themed deprivation domains (and sub-domains) can also be used to identify and evidence different elements of deprivation. For example, among the various deprivation issues affecting local communities in Lincolnshire, deprivation in rural access to housing and services can often stand out in the data.

There are useful supporting resources to help people understand and use the Indices of Deprivation, please see the source weblink and the additional links provided. These links also provide Deprivation data summaries for Districts, NHS CCGs, Lincolnshire, and the Greater Lincolnshire LEP.

Source: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). The Indices of Deprivation are updated at four-yearly intervals (so until the next update, the data stays current and valid for use).

Data and Resources

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Last Updated May 11, 2023, 20:34 (UTC)
Created July 11, 2017, 13:39 (UTC)