Habitat point records from 1997 AES River Parrett (Severn Estuary) sediment survey

The River Parrett falls within the boundary of the Severn estuary pSAC. Until this survey no marine biological survey had been undertaken in the river. This survey was undertaken, under contract to MNCR, JNCC, specifically to provide infaunal information for the sediment communities in suppport of the designation and management of the site. 10 littoral sites were surveyed using standard MNCR methodology (8 x 10.3cm cores at each site, seived over 0.5 mm mesh). Sublittoral samples were taken using a hand held Van Veen grab (x2 grabs were taken at each site to give a combined sample area of 0.1m2).

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Last Updated May 17, 2018, 12:30 (UTC)
Created December 15, 2015, 20:19 (UTC)
Theme Environment