Habitat Map of Scotland (HabMoS)

These data provide an initial release of combined NVC conversion data with data from the Saltmarsh survey, Sand Dune survey, Coastal Vegetated Shingle survey and extracts from the Native Woodland Survey. National Forest Inventory / SG IACS / HES Historic Landuse Assessment. The process of reclassifying NVC to EUNIS/Annex I varies depending on the source of the data. The NVC conversion data and the Sand Dune data have initially been converted to Annex I on a site by site basis. Annex I values have then been mapped to EUNIS at a national level. None Annex I qualifying habitats have now been reclassified to EUNIS also. The Saltmarsh data have been mapped to both EUNIS and Annex I directly at site level. The Coastal Vegetated Shingle survey was conducted using Annex I. Only 2 Annex I habitats were mapped. These were later given EUNIS codes, one of which was a composite code. It is not possible to determine the component EUNIS types for this composite code. Data from the Native Woodland survey has been extracted on the basis of NVC types mapping to specific Annex I habitats. This has been augmented by SNH specialist staff. The data do not contain mosaics, geometries have been duplicated. Each habitat has: - a geometry, - a habitat proportion value that represents the area of the polygon covered by that habitat, - an area figure in hectares (calculated from the proportion and the polygon geometry). - a mosaic field indicates if the habitat is part of a mosaic a habitat number field indicates the number of habitats occurring within a specific polygon - a habmos source indicating a broad grouping of data processed in a particular way - a site or survey id indicating which site or survey from the wider series is referenced - a survey type field that indicates the classification system used in the original survey - a survey date which gives the year in which the data was collected - a data owner - indicating where the data IPR resides

Habitat_code - This can be a EUNIS code from EUNIS, the European Nature Information System or a new EUNIS unit as created in the SNH Manual of terrestrial EUNIS habitats in Scotland (https://www.nature.scot/snh-commissioned-report-766-manual-terrestrial-eunis-habitats-scotland)

New EUNIS units can be new sub-type that relates to an Annex I habitat type new sub-type that does not relate to an Annex I habitat type composite unit that includes a number of EUNIS types, all of which translate to the same Annex I habitat type.

Habitat_name - For EUNIS codes including EUNIS composite types that match Annex I habitats this is the Annex I habitat code and name as listed in Appendix1. For EUNIS types that do not equal an Annex I habitat this is the EUNIS name as listed in the SNH EUNIS manual correspondence tables(see Document downloads under https://www.nature.scot/snh-commissioned-report-766-manual-terrestrial-eunis-habitats-scotland) EUNIS_COMPONENT - This field is used to list the EUNIS type if Habitat_code is a composite unit. COMPONENT_NAME - The name of the EUNIS type. Where contributing data has been surveyed at Annex I level or converted to Annex I and then to EUNIS, the HABITAT_CODE field may contain EUNIS and EUNIS composite codes, but there will not be any values in the EUNIS_COMPONENTS or COMPONENT_NAME fields as it is not possible to derive component codes from the Annex I habitat or EUNIS composite.

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Last Updated October 20, 2023, 21:07 (UTC)
Created October 20, 2023, 21:07 (UTC)