Attribution dataset GP registered populations

This publication contains information about populations registered with GP practices at Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and Primary Care Organisation (PCO) level in five-year age bands by gender, for England and Wales.

The data was collected in April for GP relevant populations. They have been constrained to the Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates for the previous year - based on the 2001 Census, excluding some special populations. This reconciliation is carried out as the number of patient registrations is greater than the number of people living in England and Wales according to population estimates from the ONS. There may be a number of reasons for this, e.g. people leaving the country and not notifying their GP.

The data are available in the spreadsheet as population figures by SHA and PCO, gender and in five-year age bands. Further information on how the data were collected and analysed is provided in the technical note.

For more information on ONS population estimates, please see the Office for National Statistics website.

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Last Updated January 29, 2015, 12:26 (UTC)
Created February 16, 2011, 12:24 (UTC)
Theme Society