2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Gobius cobitis in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

This layer shows the distribution of the Giant Goby, Gobius cobitis, a Wildlife and Countryside Act Species. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for the Defra MB0102 contract. This work will support the delivery of a network of Marine Protected Areas as required to meet existing international and national obligations and commitments, including Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), a new measure to be delivered as part of the Marine and Coastal Access Bill, and equivalent measures under Scottish legislation. The availability of these data layers will also be of importance in underpinning Marine Planning (e.g. licensing) in our marine area.

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Last Updated November 22, 2016, 17:44 (UTC)
Created July 7, 2016, 14:16 (UTC)
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