Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated unknown
Metadata last updated 15 February 2017
Created unknown
Format CSV
Licence UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Created7 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Cache last updated7 years ago
Csvlint json{"in_progress": false, "data": {"num_errors": 0, "errors": [], "success": true, "warnings": [{"category": "schema", "column": 6, "body_html": "", "content": "", "title_html": "Schema problem: <strong>duplicate_column_name</strong> in column 6", "type": "duplicate_column_name", "row": null}, {"category": "structure", "column": null, "body_html": "<p>Your CSV seems to contain unstructured text at the beginning of the file.<br> It is important that your CSV only contains structured data - any background information or metadata should be included on a referring web page or accompanying document.</p>", "content": "", "title_html": "Structure problem: <strong>Possible title row detected</strong>", "type": "title_row", "row": null}, {"category": "schema", "column": 2, "body_html": "<p>The data in column 2 is inconsistent with others values in the same column.</p>", "content": "", "title_html": "Schema problem: <strong>Inconsistent value</strong> in column 2", "type": "inconsistent_values", "row": null}, {"category": "context", "column": null, "body_html": "<p>The encoding of your CSV file is not being declared in the HTTP response.<br> We recommend that you configure your server to deliver CSV files with a <code>Content-Type</code> header of <code>text/csv; charset=utf-8</code><br> If you are using a different encoding, then use an appropriate value for the <code>charset</code> parameter.</p>", "content": "", "title_html": "Context problem: <strong>No encoding</strong>", "type": "no_encoding", "row": null}], "num_warnings": 4, "encoding": "UTF-8", "valid": true, "content_type": "text/csv", "num_info_messages": 1, "schema_uri": null, "info_messages": [{"category": "structure", "column": null, "body_html": "<p>As there is no machine readable way to tell if your CSV has a header row, we have assumed that your CSV has one.</p>", "content": "", "title_html": "Structure problem: <strong>Assumed header</strong>", "type": "assumed_header", "row": null}]}}
Datastore json{"in_progress": true, "data": {"message": "Pushing to API..."}}
Lazyboy json{}
Package id49ed51f9-5459-4581-9cfa-a93bbc6a5169
Temporal coverage from15/02/2017
Temporal coverage to15/02/2017